Playbooks, a prescriptive approach to content

A sales playbook is a systematic organization of all marketing and sales assets that salespeople need when interacting with their prospects throughout the buyer’s journey. A good sales playbook is like a GPS: it provides the clear directions your sales channels need to reach their end goal a lead. A sales playbook helps you map your sales assets to the relevant point in the buyer’s journey and gives sales easy access to all the assets in the playbook.

A key challenge faced by corporate marketing is having to line up content delivery with the sales processes and with the buyer’s position in the sales cycle. 

The key stages include Prospecting, nurturing and closing. The content differs greatly at each of these stages. While marketing has the right content to fit into each of these stages, ensuring that sales is using it at the right time is the challenge. If the content reaches the prospect too early or too late, it loses relevance and is practically worthless. Sales playbooks work to help corporate marketing teams line up content delivery to match the sales cycle ensuring the right message reaches the prospect at the right time.

A playbook clearly tells your sales channels what to say, when to say and how to say it. It helps by promoting consistent messaging and can save as much as 30% of your salespeople’s time that can otherwise be lost looking for content. When combined with other technologies such as intelligent content recommendations, playbooks can help in pushing the right content to salespeople and partners when they need it, versus having them to hunt for it.

To learn more about how you can build a powerful playbook that helps resolve your content management challenges, please download our whitepaper.

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