What Conferences Like Channel Partner Evolution Bring to the Table

Twas the night before Q4 and all through the house, channel experts were stirring and clicking their mouse… 

You heard that right! 

We’re ALL gearing up for the final deals, data, and partnerships that will give us the best head start moving into 2020. Not only do events like Channel Partners Evolution afford us the opportunity to come together and reconnect with our peers, but they also offer us a bit of foreshadowing. 

This year as we impressed upon our nation’s capital with a strong sense of due diligence, we were met with something different, something new, something completely outside the status-quo. Our challenges, ones that impact everyone in the channel industry day in and day out, were themselves challenged by just a different train of thought. What if we based our decisions almost entirely on what people statistically and financially can accomplish in 2020, instead of on what they can’t

Our conversations in the expo hall regarding what it truly means to enable and engage partners centered around what people can do better from a management and operations perspective. People spoke to their strengths, their new partner portals, their new incentives, and their new projects and ideas that they knew were capabilities in 2020 based on a combination of data presented during sessions and their own interpretation of the business – and boy were we happy to hear it. Today really is an exciting time to be in an industry currently buzzing with positivity and advancement. 

I, myself am new to the channel – and new to the technology industry as well. In a matter of 4 months, I’ve managed to pack in what feels like a year’s worth of development. I thought maybe it’s just me; maybe I’m really great at never sleeping! But the truth is it’s the channel industry; it’s this industry’s leaders, researchers, and influencers that make it possible for us to move forward as quickly as we do. And there’s no better time than the end of Q3 to get us all in one room together and make that push toward the new year even stronger. And there’s no better place to do it than at #CPEvolution. 

Thank you Channel Partners for another successful year!

About the author, Kathyrn Rodgers
Katie is an expert communicator and relationship builder – connecting people to brands and brands to the marketplace. Pointedly skilled in Strategic Branding, Market Re-positioning, Content Marketing, and Business Development, she aims at achieving equilibrium between sales and marketing to enhance market share and increase revenue growth.
