Understanding, Building and Growing Your Sales Ecosystem

The Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Continuum

Understanding the evolution of sales ecosystems and knowing where they fit into the sales ecosystem maturity continuum is important because companies cannot grow or even leverage the sales ecosystem infrastructure available to them otherwise. 

The Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Continuum splits the ecosystem evolution journey into five phases. Understanding these phases and identifying where they stand will help organizations assess their readiness in terms of adapting to the modern sales ecosystem and help them make strategic business decisions accordingly. Our sales ecosystem maturity continuum takes into account the level of collaboration, interdependence, and overall sophistication within an ecosystem to determine its maturity level.

The first phase in the Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Model is the Linear Phase.

In the linear phase, the sales ecosystem is very traditional, primarily relying on a sell-through model. In this phase the key participants are the vendor and its distributors. The distributors sell the vendor-products to the end consumer. At this stage, there’s barely any collaboration between the vendor and the distributors and there’s hardly any processes or shared infrastructure in place. Data is usually stored on shared drives, CRMs and spreadsheets, and Partner Relationship Management (PRM) software platforms are not deployed. There are also no mechanisms in place to support effective expansion of the sales ecosystem.

The second phase in the Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Model is the Tactical Phase.

Ecosystems that fall into this level of maturity possess a narrow, task-oriented outlook to the concept of sales ecosystem. The vendors and partners of an ecosystem that’s in the tactical phase of evolution have very transactional relationships with each other. Each partner has a very specific role to play and they do just that. Sales ecosystems in the tactical phase may have a few collaboration tools in place such as a partner portal or a traditional Partner Relationship Manangement Software Platform (PRM Software) in place. Sales ecosystems in the tactical phase have limited ability to scale and grow their partner network. 

The third phase in the Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Model is the Collaborative Phase

Unlike the first two phases where the relationship between the participants is purely transactional, in the collaborative phase, the focus is on creating value for the customer and for the participants, together. In this phase there may be some co-selling and co-marketing, wherein the vendors and the partners engage in joint sales and marketing campaigns or events. At this stage, there’s usually some investment in ecosystem management platforms as well. However, the efforts may not be structured and instead is usually fragmented, in silos and lacking in processes. Due to the investment in technology, ecosystems in the the collaborative phase are usually able to scale and grow, though they may face challenges such as lack of visibility across the ecosystem due to multiple ecosystem management platforms in place that do not talk to each other and store data in silos. 

The fourth phase in the Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Model is the Synergistic phase

One of the more matured stages in the sales ecosystem continuum, the synergistic phase is characterized by an ecosystem oriented approach to marketing, sales, solution development and delivery. A sales ecosystem that is in the synergistic phase is usually very powerful as it is well integrated, both horizontally and vertically. This means, there’s peer-to-peer interaction as well as vendor-partner interaction. In the synergistic phase also multiple ecosystem management platforms may be deployed, but it differs from the collaborative phase in the sense that there’s secure and yet seamless data exchange between these platforms. Ecosystems that have matured to the synergistic phase, engage in extensive co-selling and co-marketing. Innovation plays a big role in a sales ecosystem that’s in the synergistic phase. All the players are constantly interacting and innovating to add to and leverage more value out of the ecosystem. Sales ecosystems in the Synergistic phase also see extensive use of ecosystem management platforms. 

The fifth phase in the Mindmatrix Sales Ecosystem Maturity Model is the Evolved phase

As sales ecosystems evolve, they enter a phase characterized by decentralized, cooperative networks, the parallel functioning of multiple ecosystems, the creation of value for clients and partners, vibrant co-selling, co-marketing, and co-innovation, and the deployment of next-generation PRM Software Solutions. In this evolved phase, the potential of a sales ecosystem is unleashed, driving growth, fostering innovation, and creating meaningful relationships with clients.

The ecosystem maturity continuum is not a linear progression, but rather a dynamic and iterative model. Ecosystems can experience disruptions, shifts in power dynamics, or the emergence of new technologies, which can influence their maturity trajectory. Therefore, organizations need to continually assess and adapt their strategies to align with the evolving ecosystem landscape.

By understanding the ecosystem maturity continuum, businesses can better position themselves within the ecosystem, foster collaboration with key stakeholders, and leverage the collective strengths and resources of the ecosystem to drive growth and competitiveness. It allows organizations to proactively engage in ecosystem development, nurture strategic partnerships, and explore new business models that capitalize on the opportunities presented by a mature and thriving ecosystem.

In conclusion, the ecosystem maturity continuum provides a valuable framework for organizations to evaluate, understand, and strategically navigate the ever-changing landscape of ecosystems. By embracing this continuum, businesses can unlock the full potential of collaborative networks, foster innovation, and create sustainable value in today’s interconnected world.
