Complimentary access! SiriusDecisions Channel Marketing Strategies Research Brief: Market Segmentation: Goals and Principles

“One size fits all” clothing is intended to simplify both the buying process for consumers and the manufacturing process, which benefits the seller. The idea is that, regardless of the physical proportions of buyers, the garment will fit them. The reality, all too often, is that “one size fits none,” because it’s too small for some and too big for others.

Many b-to-b companies market and sell their products in the same way, using the same message, to a wide range of buyers with different needs. Or, if they do divide their buyers into groups, they do so in a way that does not enable the product, marketing and sales approach to be tailored to specific buyers.

This SiriusDecisions research brief reviews the goals of market segmentation and the principles that should be applied to define market segments.

Download this research brief to learn more about how proper segmentation can help organizations improve alignment between product, marketing and sales, focus resources and identify growth opportunities.

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