Mindmatrix Feature Spotlight: Alert and Notifications

Get instant updates on critical prospect behavior with Mindmatrix

Closing a deal often boils down to how well your sales network is connected to their prospects. Are they there when the prospects are ready to buy or when they have a question? If not, the lead may just move to a competitor. Mindmatrix sales enablement software can prevent this from happening by generating alerts via SMS and emails for your salespeople, channel partners, reps and dealers, helping them take the right action on time.

A new lead signed up? Did someone download the pricing sheet? A lead requested a demo? All you need to do is specify the conditions in Mindmatrix and it will automatically send alerts to the right salesperson or partner for follow-up.

With Mindmatrix, you can also set task-reminders for your salespeople and channel partners. Have a webinar or a new certification program ready for your channel partners? Program Mindmatrix to send them an SMS reminder an hour before. Holding a refresher training for sales? Let Mindmatrix remind your salespeople about it a day before. 

Program the reminders into the Mindmatrix platform and let the system be your channel partners and sales people’s personal assistant!

Visit www.mindmatrix.net to learn more!
